[Middlegen-user] hi i have a problem
2005-01-04 12:16:22 UTC
i am not able to fine tune the middlegen while its generating the code....
i followed the steps given in the site : http://boss.bekk.no/boss/middlegen/getstarted/index.html

well its generating all the code but i am not able to differentiate between the code generated by middlegen and xdoclet... in this link : http://boss.bekk.no/boss/middlegen/getstarted/run.html
its not giving me the pop up window.. its generating all the code....
any one can please help me its urgent...

thank in advance

Srikanth Deshpande
Software Engineer
Nous Infosystems
1st Block Kormangala - 34
Nous Infosystems
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