[Middlegen-user] my new plugin
Tarik El Galaf
2005-02-28 05:38:55 UTC
i want to test my new plugin. in readme.txt of directory plugins i find :

Create new plugin archives here. One plugin archive might contain several
In order to successfully build and test your plugins, you should:

1) Add a mapping for your plugin in
middlegen/src/java/middlegen/MiddlegenTask.java at the bottom (_plugins map)
2) Add an antcall to the plugin target in middlegen/build.xml in the
<plugins> target
3) Add a subelement corresponding to the mapping key in
middlegen/samples/build.xml in the middlegen task of the middlegen target

so i dont know how to add a mapping in MiddlegenTask.java i dont find any
variable _plugins. please help me.
