1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
So, using your MySQL analogy, you don't get the actual data with findAll(), but
a Collection of references to objects (rows) containing the data. Sort of.
I am fairly new to Entity EJB's. Please forgive this sophomoric
What should I expect back from a findAll() method?
When inside MySQL and I type SELECT * FROM 'TABLE'; I get back all of
the data for all of the rows in the table.
The findALL() method seems to return me a class scope along with the
primary key for the class. I.E.
I get this output by cycling through a while loop and doing
out.print(iter.next().toString()); in a servlet.
Is this what I am supposed to do? What is really in this collection?
I was hoping it would be a collection of TDefectLocal which has all of
my getXXX and setXXX methods.
I have looked at the middle-gen generated GUI and can't for the life of
me figure out what is going on there. Guess I can't read STRUTS.
Thanks for any clues!