[Middlegen-user] Auto-increment primary key field
Gerrit Grobbelaar
2005-03-09 09:47:01 UTC

I finally got my tables to auto-increment the pk-field values with the MS
SQLSERVER 2000 when _ejbCreate_ is called.

Now, obviously the only way to get the <auto-increment /> elements generated
for the beans in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file is to have in the
middlegen-generated beans the following xdoclet code:

* @jboss.persistence auto-increment="true"

I have no idea how to accomplish this, I just got everything working by
hardcoded it in the generated beans after running my middlegen build-system.
This is the final hurdle to completely do away with the
JBossUtilAutoNumber-generator, and seamlessly with the

Any advice here would be highly appreciated to accomplish this goal, I'll
keep at it in the meantime.

Thank you in advance,
Gerrit Grobbelaar
2005-03-09 10:32:31 UTC
OK, i just realized that the <auto-increment /> elements is in fact NOT
necessary to be present when wanting to make use of the identity increment
on the PK-field of a table.

In fact only the following is necessary in the <defaults> section of the

<entity-command name="mssql-fetch-key" />

and the IDENTITY_INSERT property will be toggled (ON and OFF) when the MS
SQLSERVER 2000 DB is used for e.g.

No need to answer my previous question, thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 13:44
Subject: [Middlegen-user] Auto-increment primary key field
I finally got my tables to auto-increment the pk-field values with the MS
SQLSERVER 2000 when _ejbCreate_ is called.
Now, obviously the only way to get the <auto-increment />
elements generated
for the beans in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file is to have in the
I have no idea how to accomplish this, I just got everything working by
hardcoded it in the generated beans after running my middlegen
This is the final hurdle to completely do away with the
JBossUtilAutoNumber-generator, and seamlessly with the
Any advice here would be highly appreciated to accomplish this goal, I'll
keep at it in the meantime.
Thank you in advance,
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