Middlegen Listserv: Re: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE 1.1.1
2005-03-16 23:45:14 UTC
The directory exists and contains the Middlegen jars. Here's a listing:

Directory of C:\eclipse\plugins\net.sf.middlegen_2.1.1\lib

03/16/2005 03:18 PM <DIR> .
03/16/2005 03:18 PM <DIR> ..
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 11,358 apache.license
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 165,119 commons-collections-2.1.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 40,099
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 63,980 commons-lang.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 22,487 commons-logging-1.1-dev.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 18,820 geronimo-spec-ejb-2.1-rc4.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 121,858 hibernate-tools.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 26,428 hibernate.license
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 950,012 hibernate2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 258,393 hsqldb-1.7.1.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 6,727 jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 127,118 jdom.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 350,677 log4j-1.2.7.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 43,630 maven-xdoclet-plugin-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 154,676 middlegen-2.1.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 57,306
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 73,265
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 1,495 middlegen.license
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 359,924 velocity-1.4-dev.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 26,081 village-2.0-dev-20030825.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 146,897 xdoclet-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 102,923 xdoclet-bea-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 18,774 xdoclet-caucho-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 211,057 xdoclet-ejb-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 11,611 xdoclet-ibm-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 114,594 xdoclet-jboss-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 11,761 xdoclet-jmx-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 15,155
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 22,699
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 4,868 xdoclet-openejb-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 16,813 xdoclet-oracle-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 13,039 xdoclet-orion-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 32,310 xdoclet-sun-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 44,973 xdoclet-web-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 55,946 xdoclet-xdoclet-module-1.2.2.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 895,813 xerces.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 231,114 xjavadoc-1.1.jar
03/17/2005 02:06 AM 123,705 xml-apis.jar
38 File(s) 4,953,505 bytes

-----Original Message-----
From: Takashi Okamoto [mailto:***@gloria.or.tp]
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 4:35 PM
To: middlegen-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Middlegen Listserv: Re: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE 1.1.1

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From: n7sf-***@spamex.com
Subject: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE 1.1.1
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 16:06:14 -0800
I've tried out the 1.1.1 release. The table names are being placed in
the middlegen-build.xml file but the graphical table relation editor
doesn't launch when the wizard "Finish" button is clicked.
In the XML there's an error message: Middlegen is not found. Please
install Middlegen. Do I need to configure the path to Middlegen
No, you don't need. I checked your build file:
<property name="lib.dir"
value="/c:/eclipse/plugins/net.sf.middlegen_2.1.1/lib/" />
lib.dir property is path for middlegen library. Above description
seems right if middlegenide was installed correctly. Could you check
this directry?

Takashi Okamoto

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