[Middlegen-user] new functionality in CVS
Aslak Hellesøy
2002-03-24 22:01:03 UTC

This is just a note to let you know there are some feature additions to
Middlegen in CVS (not yet released). These are:
-Possibility to specify type and names for fields.
-Preferences support (If you run on JDK 1.4). Middlegen remembers field type
and name settings between each invocation.
-Fixed some bugs, so all combinations of cardinality and directionality
should now work properly.
-Middlegen now creates finder methods.
-Added some sample SQL scripts for MySQL. You can now generate a sample
database by doing build create-database to fill the database with
-Enhanced WLS support. You can run build weblogic-ejb-jar to build a
precompiled deployable ejb jar file for WLS (weblogic.jar must be on your
-<table> elements in ant are now accounted for in GUI mode too.

Please note that the checkboxes for local/remote selections are currently
dumb. Only local stuff will be generated regardless of their selection.