[Middlegen-user] How do I specify tables from several different schemas?
Nathan Vick
2005-01-27 09:05:27 UTC
I can't figure out how to specify tables from several different schemas.
We have about 800 tables spread out over 15 schemas, with lots of
relationships. I tried reading
http://boss.bekk.no/boss/middlegen/ant/index.html and
http://boss.bekk.no/boss/middlegen/ant/table.html, and I tried
searching the Issue Tracking and the Mailing Lists, but I have not been
able to figure out what I should do.

I tried specifying the table names both with and without the schema
name in combination with specifying a blank schema, no schema and a
percent sign for a schema. Here is what I tried and the errors I got

1. I get the same results for the following three configurations using
the schema in the table name:
<middlegen ... schema="" catalog="" ...>
<middlegen ... catalog="" ...>
<middlegen ... schema="%" catalog="" ...>
<table name="SATURN.STVTERM" />
<table name="TAISMGR.TBBCONT" />

middlegen.MiddlegenException: The database doesn't have any table named
TAISMGR.TBBCONT. Please make sure the table exists. Also note that some
databases are case sensitive.
Found the following tables:


Except that the schema="%" option also prints the following message:

venOdd sun/awt/Albert/TCAGExclusiveOr sun/awt/Albert/TCAGIntersect
sun/awt/Albert/TCAGNode ... STVTERM ... TBBCONT ... <with hundreds of
space-separated table names from our database>

2. I get the same results for the following two configurations omitting
the schema from the table name:
<middlegen ... schema="" catalog="" ...>
<middlegen ... catalog="" ...>
<table name="STVTERM" />
<table name="TBBCONT" />

middlegen.MiddlegenException: The database doesn't have any table named
TBBCONT. Please make sure the table exists. Also note that some
databases are case sensitive.
Found the following tables:


3. I get the following results for the percent configuration with no
schema prefix on the tables:
<middlegen ... schema="%" catalog="" ...>
<table name="STVTERM" />
<table name="TBBCONT" />

middlegen.MiddlegenException: Wow! Synonym TBBCONT not found. How can
it happen?
Configured schema:%
Configured catalog:
Available schemas:
Available catalogs:

I started out using middlegenide_1.0.0.zip in eclipse 3.0.1 (it
includes middlegen-2.1.jar) against Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production, but now I am tweaking and running the
middlegen-build.xml using ant from within eclipse.

