[Middlegen-user] problem with Middlegen on DB2/AS400
2003-04-10 14:14:08 UTC

I'm a new user of Middlegen and I'm realy impressed by the capabilities of this tool, many thanks to thoses who contribute to the creation of this tool.

I'm using Middlgen to generate EJB entities from a DB2 on AS400 that I intend to use on WebSPhere 5.0,
I have seen in Middlgen documentation that it has not been tested on AS400 or DB2 and that Middlegen doesn't
support WebSphere. I gave it a try on DB2/NT and the result was excellent, however on DB2/AS400 the result was
so bad because, as far as I understand, AS400 renames tables such that table name's length is < 10 so for each table
whose name is longer than 10 there is a view whose name is less than 10. When Middlgen requestes the list of entities
on the systables it doesn't distinguishe between table and view and so it consider views also, and find strange things, so it halts
execution with error message like:

[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between ARTIFICIAL_PERSON and ACTIO00001. Skipping it since ACTIO00001 isn't among the specified tables.
[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between ARTIFICIAL_PERSON and PENSI00001. Skipping it since PENSI00001 isn't among the specified tables.
[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between ARTIFICIAL_PERSON and PENSI00002. Skipping it since PENSI00002 isn't among the specified tables.
[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between ARTIFICIAL_PERSON and USER_00001. Skipping it since USER_00001 isn't among the specified tables.
[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between RULE and PROCE00001. Skipping it since PROCE00001 isn't among the specified tables.
[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between RULE and ROUTI00001. Skipping it since ROUTI00001 isn't among the specified tables.
[middlegen] (middlegen.MiddlegenPopulator 339 ) Found a relation between USER_ACCOUNT and ACTIO00001. Skipping it since ACTIO00001 isn't among the specified tables.

file:D:/Workspace/Integra/Buildant/build.xml:946: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: There is no column named USERACCO18 in the table named USER_ACCOUNT

Did any body encounter such problems please? Do you knoy of any fixe ?.

The reste of the story is that I intend to use the generated entities on WebSphere, but Middlegen dosn't support Websphere, did any body tried to do that before, could you please share your experience with me?

Many thanks in advance

