[Middlegen-user] SQL Anywhere databases (Sybase) config for middlegen
Jose Luis Sánchez
2004-07-13 04:55:01 UTC
I have been trying to use middlegen with an ASA database (Sybase) but it doesn't find the tables.
This is my configuration in sybase.xml

<property name="database.script.file" value="${src.dir}/sql/${name}-sybase.sql"/>
<property name="database.driver.file" value="${lib.dir}/jconn2.jar"/>
<property name="database.driver.classpath" value="${database.driver.file}"/>
<property name="database.driver" value="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver"/>
<property name="database.url" value="jdbc:sybase:Tds:localhost:2638/geox"/>
<property name="database.userid" value="DBA"/>
<property name="database.password" value="SQL"/>
<property name="database.schema" value=""/>
<property name="database.catalog" value=""/>
<property name="jboss.datasource.mapping" value="Sybase"/>

The error is about:
middlegen connected to the database but couldn't find any tables. Perhaps the specified schema or catalog is wrong
or maybe there aren't any tables in the database at all?

There are tables, it is sure. I had the same error trying with a Pointbase database. What i did to fix it was assign a
correct database.schema property and then it worked.
Because of that i suppose that i haven't got a valid configuration at sybase.xml.
Does anyone knows which is the correct configuration for an ASA database (sybase)?
Thanks and kind regards
