1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
TV is about to enter the growth phase of its two year cycle, but its low g=
rowth, single revenue stream is likely the main target for local cable TV =
and should also be impacted by increased DVR penetration, which gives the =
firm little to get excited about.


Oct. 2003
Receives 6.14 Million Dollar Purchase Order For 45,000 Flat Antennas

Sept. 2003
Purchases Patent for Key Operating Mechanism of DBS Flat Antenna

Sept. 2003
Completes Development of Flat Antenna

May. 2002
Canada DBS (Star Choice) two horn LNB P/O for (USD 450,000)

Feb. 2002
Canada DBS (Star Choice) two horn LNB P/O for (USD 675,000)

Dec. 2001
Canada DBS (Star Choice) two horn LNB P/O for (USD 75,000)

Sept. 2001
Canada DBS (Star Choice) two horn LNB P/O for (USD 1,200,000)

July 2001
Patent application for LNB design and pattern

May 2001
Purchase order of Canadian BS (two horn LNB)

April 2001
Establishment of MB Tech, Inc.

Jan. 2001
Canada DBS two horn LNB successful field test

Sept. 2000
SBCA (Satellite Broadcasting & Communications Association) Membership Cer=

Aug. 2000
Development of 3 types of LNB (CAN TYPE); application of patent of new de=
vice and patent of new design (app# 00-22512,22513, 22514)

July 2000
SBCA (USA); DBS field test in S. Africa; DBS field test in Australia

May 2000
DBS field test in Thailand; Media Cast (London); DBS field test in Russia=

April 2000
Application for patent of new device and patent of new design, patent app=
# 10-2000-0017958

March 2000
Development of 3 types of LNB (DSS type)

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not a participant in any way.

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purchase or sell MBTT common shares in the open market without notice. Th=
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ell or solicitation of any offer to purchase any security. It is intended =
for information only. Some statements may contain so-called "forward-looki=
ng statements". Many factors could cause actual results to differ. Investo=
rs should consult with their Investment Advisor concerning MBTT. Copyright=
2003 =A9 Stock Market Today Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This newsletter was=
distributed by SCI. SCI was paid two hundred twenty thousand shares MBTT =
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