[Middlegen-user] mapping directionality in the ant file (for hibernate)
Dmitri Colebatch
2005-08-03 01:25:23 UTC

We have a large database schema that is still evolving and so I want
to be able to automate the middlegen step to a level where I can
re-run it after changes are made to the database. My current issue is
that when I start middlegen (specifying no tables) it makes all the
relationships bidirectional. I'd like to control the direction in the
ant task and had thought that the crossref element would be the place
for this, but not knowing the details of middlegen I thought I'd ask
here how other users handle this situation.

any suggestions?

James Neville
2005-08-03 07:17:17 UTC
Post by Dmitri Colebatch
My current issue is
that when I start middlegen (specifying no tables) it makes all the
relationships bidirectional.
I'm no great expert here, but I set this up it in the properties file.

1. Run the middlegen task, so it recognises the new schema.
This will add the attributes for the table to the middlegen properties file.

2. Edit the properties file and set the relations to false.

3. Run the middlegen task again.

The other option is to use the GUI task and design the mappings in
there, prior to generation.
There is probably some ant element i'm missing too, but i'm not running
against such a big schema that it poses any problem.


Dmitri Colebatch
2005-08-03 08:09:39 UTC
Thankyou - that sounds like what I want. I didn't realise that it
spits out the properties file. atm I'm using the gui and then
changing the directions using that, but its just not scalable.

Post by James Neville
Post by Dmitri Colebatch
My current issue is
that when I start middlegen (specifying no tables) it makes all the
relationships bidirectional.
I'm no great expert here, but I set this up it in the properties file.
1. Run the middlegen task, so it recognises the new schema.
This will add the attributes for the table to the middlegen properties file.
2. Edit the properties file and set the relations to false.
3. Run the middlegen task again.
The other option is to use the GUI task and design the mappings in
there, prior to generation.
There is probably some ant element i'm missing too, but i'm not running
against such a big schema that it poses any problem.
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James Neville
2005-08-03 08:59:15 UTC
Post by Dmitri Colebatch
Thankyou - that sounds like what I want. I didn't realise that it
spits out the properties file. atm I'm using the gui and then
changing the directions using that, but its just not scalable.
You're welcome :)

Theres lots of stuff of use in the properties file that I can't seem to
get to through the any task or the GUI.
Maybe theres some extra switches in the more recent versions of the ant
task, but i've not investigated further.

Can anyone else confirm that this is the only way to specify cardinality

Juan Manuel Sanchez Bel
2005-08-03 09:43:44 UTC
I suggest You to use ant's substitution hability to alter the middlegen
generated properties and then pass again middlegen process.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: middlegen-user-***@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:middlegen-user-***@lists.sourceforge.net]En nombre de James
Enviado el: miércoles, 03 de agosto de 2005 13:00
Para: middlegen-***@lists.sourceforge.net
Asunto: Re: [Middlegen-user] mapping directionality in the ant file (for
Post by Dmitri Colebatch
Thankyou - that sounds like what I want. I didn't realise that it
spits out the properties file. atm I'm using the gui and then
changing the directions using that, but its just not scalable.
You're welcome :)

Theres lots of stuff of use in the properties file that I can't seem to
get to through the any task or the GUI.
Maybe theres some extra switches in the more recent versions of the ant
task, but i've not investigated further.

Can anyone else confirm that this is the only way to specify cardinality


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