[Middlegen-user] Getting a simple example working
Jesal Doshi
2003-01-07 08:44:02 UTC

I am a newbie to EJB and also to Middlegen

I would like to know how can I generate code for a sample application using a
session facade design pattern.

Here is what I intended to do.

A session bean invoking an entity bean and getting the data.

I am using Jboss 3.0, Oracle 8i as my app server and database.

I just have a simple table with some fields out of which one is primary key
for e.g. Customer table and customer_id is the primary key.

How should I go about using Middlegen to generate code for the above
Some steps to be followed to get the middlegen working to generate code for
the above mentioned scenario.

Any one who have already worked upon executing such type of sample app, please
guide me.

Any help for the above context would be highly appreciated.

Thanking You

Jesal Doshi
