1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I don't have any sybase db/driver to test out myself. Maybe someone else
here has Sybase working with Middlegen?

If the driver/connection is verified to be working, I guess there is a
problem with MiddlegenPopulator.

Aslak might have some more ideas about this?

Hi Eivind,
OK, I tried it out, but it looks like it can't correctly find the database on the server. I'm
working with Sybase 11 on Linux. The older Middlegen 1.0 was able to connect, extract metadata,
[middlegen] Database URL:jdbc:sybase:Tds:linux:7100/court
file:C:/middlegen/samples/build.xml:134: middlegen.MiddlegenException: The datab
ase doesn't have any table named pbcattbl. Please make sure the table exists. A
lso note that some databases are case sensitive.
[middlegen] Database URL:jdbc:sybase:Tds:linux:7100/court
[middlegen] No <table> elements specified. Reading all tables. This might take a
file:C:/middlegen/samples/build.xml:135: middlegen.MiddlegenException: Middlegen
successfully connected to the database, but couldn't find any tables. Perhaps t
he specified schema or catalog is wrong? -Or maybe there aren't any tables in th
e database at all?
I also tried it with the JDBC/ODBC bridge driver against an MS SQL Server database on my local
machine, but got the same errors.
For Sybase I'm using the jConnect driver. I created a sybase.xml file in \config\database with
<property name="database.driver.file" value="${lib.dir}/jconn2.jar"/>
<property name="database.driver.classpath" value="${database.driver.file}"/>
<property name="database.driver" value="com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.SybDriver"/>
<property name="database.url" value="jdbc:sybase:Tds:linux:7100/court"/>
<property name="database.userid" value="sa"/>
<property name="database.password" value=""/>
<property name="database.schema" value=""/>
<property name="database.catalog" value=""/>
I used the exact same syntax with Middlegen 1.0 (where it worked).
In the middlegen section of build.xml, jndi properties are also passed - I thought these might
override the jdbc url so I took them out, but no change.
Is there a problem using the "/" in the database url? Is there any other section in build.xml or
somewhere else that I need to change ?
Thanks for your help,
Hi Ravi, I'll try to answer your questions below.
Hi Aslak,
With middlegen I'm a user, not a developer. Nonetheless, based on your reply I did the
- Installed WinCVS
- Downloaded the middlegen CVS - note: middlegen CVS page says specify the "modulename" but I
couldn't find the value anywhere. I guessed and used "middlegen"
- Installed Ant 1.5
- Ran Ant against build.xml, got a docs, lib, and samples dir
- Unlike v1.0 there is no build.bat file. There is one set of jars in \lib, and a different
in \samples\lib. Which jars are required in the cp to run middlegen ? Or let's just say, how
do I
run middlegen ?
No jars are required in the CP to run middlegen. The build.xml script
starts by setting up classpath. In fact try to make sure your CP is empty
before running it.
To build middlegen, make sure you have ant in your path. Simply type 'ant'
in the middlegen basedir.
To build the samples, use 'ant' in the samples dir.
- Installed maven to generate docs. Maven version is maven-1.0-beta-6. On executing "maven
it generates a bunch of errors looking for jar files in MAVEN_HOME\repository\XXX\jars where
is ant, velocity, log4j, junit, and commons-collections. I found the jar files in
and copied them. I found velocity in middlegen\samples\lib and copied it. Running it again
produced NoClassDefFoundError on: org/apache/tools/dvsl/DVSL. This class is not in any of the
Maven jars - where do I get it ?
Maven is supposed to download all the files it need from a central
repository. Please refer to the maven docs to read about this. Of course
this requires you to be online the first time you run maven.
I would recommend building maven from cvs, as you will see quite clear how
maven works (maven is build using maven).
I also saw your posting on the users mailing list saying that a new release should be out soon
any idea on the date ? Also from the mails it appears some people have got it working - what
am I
doing wrong ?
Hope you get a bit further. Let us know.. :)
I don't want to be a pest, but I really like this stuff and would love to get it working.
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