[Middlegen-user] Re: Re:Where is the syntax of preferences files:
2005-11-13 07:43:02 UTC
I can understand you are interested in them but first explain us what
your goal is?

I just want to know the syntax in order to use it properly. On my case I just want to know if is possilbe to add on the java and class definition meta information (<meta> elements), such as comments, etc. In order to obtain such meta information on the generated *.hbm.xml file.

I was looking on the source code and I am a fraid, such property doesn't exist, the method setPrefsValue from PreferenceAware class is used just for inserting the properties that are documented on the documentation.

Any way if middlegen provides the possibity of configuring the output process using such files, this syntax should be public.

It is curios, but on this mailing list it is frecuently that when people ask something, people replay them with another question (typical habit from people of Galicia (Spain) ). I think my question was very clear.



P.D.: I was looking on the maling list archive and some person ask for the same question, the answer was the same: a list of other question, without the answer, Is it a secret syntax?????, :-)
Regards, Wouter
Dear Members,
I would like to get information about the syntax of such files. I am
interesting on Hibernate Pluging.
Thanks, in advance,
Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
Eivind Waaler
2005-11-13 13:52:01 UTC

The prefs file is simply used to store middlegen settings from the last
run. The syntax is maybe not documented to well.. The best way to see the
syntax is to run middlegen, make some changes in the GUI, and check out
the generated prefs file.

The Hibernate plugin has a separate section for meta-information in the
GUI. Take a look and see if that covers your needs.

If you have more advanced needs, the quickest way is usually to get the
source from cvs and modify the hibernate.vm template.

Post by David
I can understand you are interested in them but first explain us what
your goal is?
I just want to know the syntax in order to use it properly. On my case I just want to know if is possilbe to add on the java and class definition meta information (<meta> elements), such as comments, etc. In order to obtain such meta information on the generated *.hbm.xml file.
I was looking on the source code and I am a fraid, such property doesn't exist, the method setPrefsValue from PreferenceAware class is used just for inserting the properties that are documented on the documentation.
Any way if middlegen provides the possibity of configuring the output process using such files, this syntax should be public.
It is curios, but on this mailing list it is frecuently that when people ask something, people replay them with another question (typical habit from people of Galicia (Spain) ). I think my question was very clear.
P.D.: I was looking on the maling list archive and some person ask for the same question, the answer was the same: a list of other question, without the answer, Is it a secret syntax?????, :-)
Regards, Wouter
Dear Members,
I would like to get information about the syntax of such files. I am
interesting on Hibernate Pluging.
Thanks, in advance,
Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.
Wouter Boers - List
2005-11-13 21:32:00 UTC
Post by David
I can understand you are interested in them but first explain us what
your goal is?
I just want to know the syntax in order to use it properly. On my case
I just want to know if is possilbe to add on the java and class
definition meta information (<meta> elements), such as comments, etc.
In order to obtain such meta information on the generated *.hbm.xml file.
Well basically as Elvind replies. The property file is primairily used
by Middlegen itself. In order to add data to it or make modificatins you
can do three things in the middlegen way.
1. Run the gui and make changes
2. Change the database schema
3. Modify the properties in ant/maven that steer the build proces.
Post by David
I was looking on the source code and I am a fraid, such property
doesn't exist, the method setPrefsValue from PreferenceAware class is
used just for inserting the properties that are documented on
the documentation.
Any way if middlegen provides the possibity of configuring the output
process using such files, this syntax should be public.
It is curios, but on this mailing list it is frecuently that when
people ask something, people replay them with another question
(typical habit from people of Galicia (Spain) ). I think my question
was very clear.
Well the fact that you can explain in more details what you wnated to
achieve proves the point that the question was not complete becaue now
it can only be interperted one way. So its not su curious anyways. Some
times the quesitoner is a beginner sometimes its a more advanced user.