[Middlegen-user] An error "CMR not supported yet" on the reservations page of the Airline Sample
Elid Or
2004-03-31 12:19:09 UTC
Sorry if there is a topic on this subject, but i didn't found one which
solve completely my problem.
I use JBoss 4.0 with MySQL 4, and everything goes well until I want to
create "a new reservation" on the reservations page of the "airline" sample
of MiddleGen.
I already saw a post on a similar problem, in which someone says:
"1. Be sure to use fkcmp="false" setting in your build.xml
2. You now cannot use composite primary keys (where columns are part of both
the primary and foreign keys). So only RESERVATION_ID column is now part of
the primary key.
3. You need to allow your foreign key columns to be NULL-able. It looks like
they are inserted as NULL and then later updated with appropriate values."
But it didn't work or i did it wrong (perhaps de 3th point)

If someone could help me I will be very happy


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