[Middlegen-user] charset problem
Serkan Soykan
2003-08-27 05:46:07 UTC
Hi all,

I'm trying to use Middlegen 2.0-b1 (and JDK 1.4.0) to generate CMP Entity
Bean classes from an Oracle 9i database. My Windows (DOS prompt) codepage is
cp857 (Turkish). When I pressed Generate button in the GUI and generate
source files, the resulting file names and contents seems to have character
conversion problems such that:


Middlegen generates "ý" character instead of "i".

When I set "user.language=en" in ant.bat, this time "?" is generated instead
of "i".

Do you have any ideas?


Ismail Serkan SOYKAN

Information Technologies

Kocbank A.S.

Phone: +90(216)4540600-4612

E-mail: <mailto:***@kocbank.com.tr> ***@kocbank.com.tr

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