[Middlegen-user] Disabling CMR
James-Vincent Brady
2004-08-06 05:09:03 UTC
Hi All,
I have just discovered that CMR is not a good idea if relationships lead to very large 'N' sides of 1:N relationships. However, I can find no way to disable them in middlegen. Is there one (other than the primitive trick of removing the constraints in a copy of the database and then generating)?
Also, I have spent some time improving on the application that Middlegen generates, via repeditive editing and just haven't had the time to look into how easy it would be change the Velocity scripts. It probably would have saved me time in the end but the testing seems a hassle. I'm wondering whether someone with time and a better knowledge of velocity (and perhaps with an eye to something marketable at the end of the line) is interested in examples of the following:

1. Automatic audit trail field addition (and concurrent update checking) ;
2. Selectable paged, lists using DISPLAYTAG;
3. Links from view function to related records (in new browser instance);
4. Error messaging - marking error fields;
5. Delete with confirmation (and Oh my God! restore functionality);
6. Copy function;
7. ... still being developed editing with authorisation.

It was tedious to develop but well worth it at the end. If somebody wants good examples and would give me a copy of the velocity at the end I would really appreciate it.

Jim Brady


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Wouter Boers
2004-08-06 09:49:12 UTC
Hi Jim,

Disabling the CMR is quite easy by modifying the velocity template. I have
been changing that myself to remove some bugs that in essense not
Middelgen has but the default ejb template. Considering the fact that you
have done a lot of refactoring you may find it quite easy to change the

Post by James-Vincent Brady
Hi All,
I have just discovered that CMR is not a good idea if relationships
lead to very large 'N' sides of 1:N relationships. However, I can find
no way to disable them in middlegen. Is there one (other than the
primitive trick of removing the constraints in a copy of the database
and then generating)?
Also, I have spent some time improving on the application that Middlegen
generates, via repeditive editing and just haven't had the time to look
into how easy it would be change the Velocity scripts. It probably would
have saved me time in the end but the testing seems a hassle. I'm
wondering whether someone with time and a better knowledge of velocity
(and perhaps with an eye to something marketable at the end of the line)
1. Automatic audit trail field addition (and concurrent update checking) ;
2. Selectable paged, lists using DISPLAYTAG;
3. Links from view function to related records (in new browser instance);
4. Error messaging - marking error fields;
5. Delete with confirmation (and Oh my God! restore functionality);
6. Copy function;
7. ... still being developed editing with authorisation.
It was tedious to develop but well worth it at the end. If somebody wants
good examples and would give me a copy of the velocity at the end I would
really appreciate it.
Jim Brady
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Met vriendelijk groet, Wouter Boers
