[Middlegen-user] Is middlegen quality getting poorer ?
zousey seyzou
2004-05-19 16:15:03 UTC
Hello, as an old user of middlegen it seems as if middlegen quality is
getting poorer, and also the service is not as it use to be.This is not a
criticism that an observation.
at least middlegen that one checkouts from cvs.
ejb's build errorrs like the folllowing,
and the struts can't compile. i haven't seen any new entry in the forum this
month, what is going one ? is middlegen stopping being an open source ?
[move] Moving 1 files to C:\GNU\WinCvs
[echo] Running weblogic.ejbc

[java] ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to set the method permission for
method 'create()' on EJB 'ReservationFacade'. No matc
d in the ejb-jar.xml file matches that of your LocalHome interface for this

[java] ERROR: ejbc couldn't invoke compiler

C:\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT\middlegen\samples\config\ejb\weblogic.xml:61: Java
returned: 1

Total time: 30 seconds

Få alle de nye og sjove ikoner med MSN Messenger http://www.msn.dk/messenger
Eivind Waaler
2004-05-20 15:49:01 UTC
Hi, I'm sorry about the lacking support for Middlegen problems. We're only
a few people, all busy with other projects.

I took a look at your problem. Apparantly there is some bug with the
xdoclet version we're using to generate the entityfacades, which makes an
entry in the ejb-jar.xml file for a local interface create method. We have
not been creating any local interface for the facades. I have now changed
this to 'both', so they should be generated. Just get the latest cvs

However, there still seems to be some problem with the facade exposing the
local interface types in the create method:

[java] ERROR: Error from ejbc:
[java] In EJB ReservationFacade, method
exposes local interface types or local home interface types through the
remote interface of the bean. This is not allowed.

I manually deleted the create methods causing the problem, this makes the
ejbc run fine.

Not quite sure how to fix this. I'll try to upgrade to the latest xdoclet
version and see if this helps.

Hope this will get you a bit further. The generated cmp beans should work
fine, I would consider everything else (struts, session bean facades)
optional beta stuff. Don't expect all this to work perfectly.

Post by zousey seyzou
Hello, as an old user of middlegen it seems as if middlegen quality is
getting poorer, and also the service is not as it use to be.This is not a
criticism that an observation.
at least middlegen that one checkouts from cvs.
ejb's build errorrs like the folllowing,
and the struts can't compile. i haven't seen any new entry in the forum t=
Post by zousey seyzou
month, what is going one ? is middlegen stopping being an open source ?
[move] Moving 1 files to C:\GNU\WinCvs
[echo] Running weblogic.ejbc
[java] ERROR: Error from ejbc: Unable to set the method permission f=
Post by zousey seyzou
method 'create()' on EJB 'ReservationFacade'. No matc
d in the ejb-jar.xml file matches that of your LocalHome interface for th=
Post by zousey seyzou
[java] ERROR: ejbc couldn't invoke compiler
C:\GNU\WinCvs 1.3\CVSNT\middlegen\samples\config\ejb\weblogic.xml:61: Jav=
Post by zousey seyzou
returned: 1
Total time: 30 seconds
F=E5 alle de nye og sjove ikoner med MSN Messenger http://www.msn.dk/mess=
Post by zousey seyzou
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