[Middlegen-user] ${delegate} in generated Struts Action subclasses
Davorin Kremenjas
2004-10-17 19:31:09 UTC
Hello everyone.
This is a newbie question so be patient, please.

I'm trying to set up a small MVC web app using Middlegen as a source code
generator for
Hibernate as Model, Struts as Controller and JSP as View.
I know that Struts plugin for Middlegen is in alpha state but since it does
all the
tedious work I decided to give it a try.
After generating Struts and Hibernate code (which works jst fine) I'm trying
to run
webdoclet task as mandated by Middlegen documentation for Struts plugin.
Here is where I get into errors.
In every Java file that extends Struts Action class there is a line with a
token ${delegate}.
Of course, files cannot be compiled and run so everything becomes useless.
This is how the webdoclet task looks like:

<target name="webdoclet" >
<mkdir dir="${build.web-meta.dir}"/>
<fileset dir="${build.gen-src.dir}">
<include name="**/web/**/*.java" />
<configParam name="version" value="1.2"/>

And this is an error that it produces for every Action subclass:

[webdoclet] Error parsing File
Encountered "{" at line 65, column 25.
[webdoclet] Was expecting one of:
[webdoclet] "instanceof" ...
[webdoclet] ";" ...
[webdoclet] "=" ...

Aforementioned "{" is the begining brace of ${delegate} token.
The token comes in five variations:

xxxForm = ${delegate}.edit(xxxForm);
xxxForm = ${delegate}.create(xxxForm);
List xxxs = ${delegate}.select(xxxForm);
xxxForm = ${delegate}.update(xxxForm);

OK, it's obvious there should be an object reference instead of a token.
What I don't know is
which object.

Am I missing a point here? Is there another step I forgot to take?
I'm ready to edit all corresponding lines by hand but I don't have a clue
what should
I put instead of ${delegate}...

Thanks everyone.
Eivind Waaler
2004-10-17 19:39:01 UTC
In the latest version of Middlegen, the Struts plugin is dependent on the
adapter plugin. See the samples/build.xml. You need the <adapter> subtask
for the <middlegen> task.

Look at the sample and see if you figure out.

Post by Davorin Kremenjas
Hello everyone.
This is a newbie question so be patient, please.
I'm trying to set up a small MVC web app using Middlegen as a source code
generator for
Hibernate as Model, Struts as Controller and JSP as View.
I know that Struts plugin for Middlegen is in alpha state but since it does
all the
tedious work I decided to give it a try.
After generating Struts and Hibernate code (which works jst fine) I'm trying
to run
webdoclet task as mandated by Middlegen documentation for Struts plugin.
Here is where I get into errors.
In every Java file that extends Struts Action class there is a line with a
token ${delegate}.
Of course, files cannot be compiled and run so everything becomes useless.
<target name="webdoclet" >
<mkdir dir="${build.web-meta.dir}"/>
<fileset dir="${build.gen-src.dir}">
<include name="**/web/**/*.java" />
<configParam name="version" value="1.2"/>
[webdoclet] Error parsing File
Encountered "{" at line 65, column 25.
[webdoclet] "instanceof" ...
[webdoclet] ";" ...
[webdoclet] "=" ...
Aforementioned "{" is the begining brace of ${delegate} token.
xxxForm = ${delegate}.edit(xxxForm);
xxxForm = ${delegate}.create(xxxForm);
List xxxs = ${delegate}.select(xxxForm);
xxxForm = ${delegate}.update(xxxForm);
OK, it's obvious there should be an object reference instead of a token.
What I don't know is
which object.
Am I missing a point here? Is there another step I forgot to take?
I'm ready to edit all corresponding lines by hand but I don't have a clue
what should
I put instead of ${delegate}...
Thanks everyone.
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Davorin Kremenjas
2004-10-18 10:58:06 UTC
I'll build with adapter plugin included and see what happens.
