[Middlegen-user] middlegen for struts/hibernate(no ejb)
Murali Vivekanandan
2004-03-25 23:48:10 UTC

I downloaded middlegen and successfully created the Java model classes and the hibernate mappings from the mysql schema.

However the struts forms and action classes are based on EJBs, even though I have specified the hibernate plugin in the ant middlegen task.

I am using middelgen 2.0 version.

Is there any way I can create the forms and action classes based on struts and hibernate and not EJBs.

Or do I need to wait for middlegen 3.0 for this? If so when is that expected to be released?

Thanks in advance.


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Andreas Kemkes
2004-03-26 03:57:01 UTC

It's possible now, but expect a somewhat bumpy road. It's not
officially supported yet. You need to check out the CVS version from

Post by Murali Vivekanandan
I downloaded middlegen and successfully created the Java model classes
and the hibernate mappings from the mysql schema.
However the struts forms and action classes are based on EJBs, even
though I have specified the hibernate plugin in the ant middlegen task.
I am using middelgen 2.0 version.
Is there any way I can create the forms and action classes based on
struts and hibernate and not EJBs.
Or do I need to wait for middlegen 3.0 for this? If so when is that
expected to be released?
Thanks in advance.
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