[Middlegen-user] hibernateDAO template
2005-02-08 06:41:33 UTC
Does someone know how to use a custom template for the
hibernateDAO ant task ? thx

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2005-02-08 15:10:11 UTC
This is the same for all plugins

Create a file called


and add the root of that to your classpath before the hibernate plugin jar and
this file will be used instead of the one included in the hibernate plugin jar.

So for example

<path id="build.classpath">
<pathelement path="template-override\" />
<fileset dir=".\lib" >
<include name="*.jar" />

Where the directory structure looks like this


If there are things that are missing that you would like to see in the
hibernate dao generation, then let us know or submit an updated version. You
should get the one from CVS because there have been many improvements to it.

Post by johann\.pavis
Does someone know how to use a custom template for the
hibernateDAO ant task ? thx=0A=0AAcc=E9dez au courrier =E9lectronique de =
La Poste : www.laposte.net ; =0A3615 LAPOSTENET (0,34=80/mn) ; t=E9l : 08=
92 68 13 50 (0,34=80/mn)=0A=0A
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