[Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE
Takashi Okamoto
2004-12-18 09:56:01 UTC

I released MidlegenIDE. I would like to notice you about it.


Middlegen is good reverse engneering tool but I feel it is tired to
write ant build file. I write MiddlegenIDE to omit to write ant build
file. If you use MiddlegenIDE, all you have to do is just input
database configuration on GUI. Currrent MiddlegenIDE supports only
Hibernate because I use only Hibernate.

I hope MiddlegenIDE help to increase users about Middlegen.


Takashi Okamoto
Darren Hartford
2004-12-21 11:09:03 UTC
Good work Takashi, glad to see Eclipse integration for Middlegen :-)

I should be able to give it some 'heavy testing' by march '05 and see how extensible it is for EJB2 and EJB3.

-----Original Message-----
Of Takashi
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 6:55 AM
Subject: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE
I released MidlegenIDE. I would like to notice you about it.
Middlegen is good reverse engneering tool but I feel it is tired to
write ant build file. I write MiddlegenIDE to omit to write ant build
file. If you use MiddlegenIDE, all you have to do is just input
database configuration on GUI. Currrent MiddlegenIDE supports only
Hibernate because I use only Hibernate.
I hope MiddlegenIDE help to increase users about Middlegen.
Takashi Okamoto
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Takashi Okamoto
2004-12-21 11:56:01 UTC
Hi Darren,

From: "Darren Hartford" <***@ghsinc.com>
Subject: RE: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 08:07:52 -0500
Post by Darren Hartford
Good work Takashi, glad to see Eclipse integration for Middlegen :-)

Current version is not included source code because it is not worth to
public:( I'll refactor my code and include source code next version.

If you think it is worth to contribute to Middlegen project, I would
donate my code.
Post by Darren Hartford
I should be able to give it some 'heavy testing' by march '05 and
see how extensible it is for EJB2 and EJB3.
build.xml.vm is the template for Hibernate. Maybe I can provide
multi-template for other O/R mapper.


Takashi Okamoto
Eivind Waaler
2004-12-21 14:33:01 UTC
Cool. Let us know if you want to include your work in the Middlegen
project. We could add you as developer, so you can maintain the code in
our cvs and release the MiddlegenIDE as a separate file release from the
project page :)

Post by Takashi Okamoto
Hi Darren,
Subject: RE: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 08:07:52 -0500
Post by Darren Hartford
Good work Takashi, glad to see Eclipse integration for Middlegen :-)
Current version is not included source code because it is not worth to
public:( I'll refactor my code and include source code next version.
If you think it is worth to contribute to Middlegen project, I would
donate my code.
Post by Darren Hartford
I should be able to give it some 'heavy testing' by march '05 and
see how extensible it is for EJB2 and EJB3.
build.xml.vm is the template for Hibernate. Maybe I can provide
multi-template for other O/R mapper.
Takashi Okamoto
SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
Read honest & candid reviews on hundreds of IT Products from real users.
Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now.
middlegen-user mailing list
Takashi Okamoto
2004-12-25 14:58:01 UTC
Hi all,

I released MiddlegenIDE 0.7.0. Please check here.


New MiddlegenIDE generate hibernate.cfg.xml and copy required jars
such as hibernate.jar and commons-*.jar automatically. This function
make you to use hibernate very soon. I also refactor for other O/R
mapper. To support other O/R mapper, just write SubPlugin and Velocity
template. Please check HibernateSubPlugin for more detail. This
version includes source code which is available under Eclipse Public
License 1.0.

From: Eivind Waaler <***@tihlde.org>
Subject: Re: [Middlegen-user] MiddlegenIDE
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2004 17:32:06 +0100 (CET)
Post by Eivind Waaler
Cool. Let us know if you want to include your work in the Middlegen
project. We could add you as developer, so you can maintain the code in
our cvs and release the MiddlegenIDE as a separate file release from
the project page :)
Thanks. I would like to confirm some point before contribute

* MiddlegenIDE is released Eclipse Public License 1.0 not BSD Lisence.

* I found all of Middlegen's copyright is BEKK Consulting. However
I would like to remain my copyright in source code.

* plugin are separated into two part.
This plugin just includes Middlegen.
This plugin includes MiddlegenIDE.

If there are no problem, I ready to commit and upload it to sf.

Any comment is appreciate.


Takashi Okamoto
