[Middlegen-user] newbie q #1: CMR across schemas?
Michael Harm
2003-10-18 16:22:01 UTC

Sorry if this is a silly one.. I'm new to this.

We have a set of tables that are sort of a shared resource to be used
across multiple projects. It's in a schema called "vocabulary" (on
oracle 9i).

There are other projects that use these tables, with foreign key
relationships into them. Those projects each are in their own schema.

I'd like to be able to deploy these projects separately into jboss
(3.2.1), each in their own WAR file, but preserving the CMR
relationships to "vocabulary".

But middlegen operates at the granularity of a single schema, as near
as I can tell. So the CMR relationships don't happen. I can run
middlegen twice for a given project, once on, say, "clinical_trials",
and again on "vocabulary", but it doesn't kick out the right cmr stuff.
ejbdoclet lets me add additional entity descriptors to the
ejb-jar.xml, but doesn't seem to have a hook for additional
<ejb-relation> thingies. And maybe it's a bad idea to have an entitity
(say, a bean from the "vocabulary" schema) existing in multiple WAR
files anyway.

I've tried using oracle's synonyms, creating a synonym of
vocabulary.concept as 'concept' visible in schema 'clinical_trials'
with the fk relationship on that, but middlegen still doesn't see the
'concept' guy, even if its explicitly named in the <table> directives.
I've also tried leaving off the 'schema' attribute to the middlegen
task and coding the schema prefix in the <table> directives, but it
doesn't see the tables with a schema prefix.

What's the best practice for having a bean that is used across multiple
projects? Keep everything in the same schema, and each project picks
the stuff it needs using the middlegen <table> directive rather than
scooping in everything? Is there a danger in having beans referencing
a given table deployed to multiple WAR files? Or is jboss smart enough
to figure this out?

I'll get more concrete: in schema vocabulary, there's a table called
CONCEPT with pk concept_id. In schema clinical_trials there's a table
TRIAL, with a field trial_type_id. It's got a foreign key relationship
to vocabulary.concept(concept_id). When I do a project relating to
clinical_trials, I'd like to end up with cmr relationships, and be able
to get to the concept bean. And there's another project in schema
clinical_repository that has other tables with fk relationships into
vocabulary.concept(concept_id), and I'd like those to be able to
reference a concept bean as well.

Any tips on the right way to architect this?

(in this case, the stuff in the 'vocabulary' schema is all read-only.
That may help with this particular case, and any info that would be
great, but I'd also like to know about the more general case where the
shared schema isn't readonly).


Michael Harm
Stanford University School of Medicine
Eivind Waaler
2003-10-21 04:38:16 UTC
Hi, sorry there seems to be no replies to your message.

Currently Middlegen does not support more than one schema..

Not sure I entirely understand your problem. You want to access the
entities from several WAR files? This should be no problem as long as all
WAR files are placed in the same EAR as the ejb-jar file.. If you want it
more split up, you'd have to use some remote session bean facade to access
the entity beans since CMP should use local and not remote
interfaces. Using the VALUEOBJECT_REFACTORING_BRANCH from cvs will let you
create such session bean facades..

If the problem is having a set of entity beans from different schemas,
Middlegen would have to be modified some to support this. I don't even
know if this is common practice in J2EE..

Post by Michael Harm
Sorry if this is a silly one.. I'm new to this.
We have a set of tables that are sort of a shared resource to be used
across multiple projects. It's in a schema called "vocabulary" (on
oracle 9i).
There are other projects that use these tables, with foreign key
relationships into them. Those projects each are in their own schema.
I'd like to be able to deploy these projects separately into jboss
(3.2.1), each in their own WAR file, but preserving the CMR
relationships to "vocabulary".
But middlegen operates at the granularity of a single schema, as near
as I can tell. So the CMR relationships don't happen. I can run
middlegen twice for a given project, once on, say, "clinical_trials",
and again on "vocabulary", but it doesn't kick out the right cmr stuff.
ejbdoclet lets me add additional entity descriptors to the
ejb-jar.xml, but doesn't seem to have a hook for additional
<ejb-relation> thingies. And maybe it's a bad idea to have an entitity
(say, a bean from the "vocabulary" schema) existing in multiple WAR
files anyway.
I've tried using oracle's synonyms, creating a synonym of
vocabulary.concept as 'concept' visible in schema 'clinical_trials'
with the fk relationship on that, but middlegen still doesn't see the
'concept' guy, even if its explicitly named in the <table> directives.
I've also tried leaving off the 'schema' attribute to the middlegen
task and coding the schema prefix in the <table> directives, but it
doesn't see the tables with a schema prefix.
What's the best practice for having a bean that is used across multiple
projects? Keep everything in the same schema, and each project picks
the stuff it needs using the middlegen <table> directive rather than
scooping in everything? Is there a danger in having beans referencing
a given table deployed to multiple WAR files? Or is jboss smart enough
to figure this out?
I'll get more concrete: in schema vocabulary, there's a table called
CONCEPT with pk concept_id. In schema clinical_trials there's a table
TRIAL, with a field trial_type_id. It's got a foreign key relationship
to vocabulary.concept(concept_id). When I do a project relating to
clinical_trials, I'd like to end up with cmr relationships, and be able
to get to the concept bean. And there's another project in schema
clinical_repository that has other tables with fk relationships into
vocabulary.concept(concept_id), and I'd like those to be able to
reference a concept bean as well.
Any tips on the right way to architect this?
(in this case, the stuff in the 'vocabulary' schema is all read-only.
That may help with this particular case, and any info that would be
great, but I'd also like to know about the more general case where the
shared schema isn't readonly).
Michael Harm
Stanford University School of Medicine
This SF.net email sponsored by: Enterprise Linux Forum Conference & Expo
The Event For Linux Datacenter Solutions & Strategies in The Enterprise
Linux in the Boardroom; in the Front Office; & in the Server Room
middlegen-user mailing list
Michael Harm
2003-10-21 07:36:01 UTC
Hi Eivind.

Actually, maybe I've made this harder than it is. I guess I can stick
everything into the same schema. But that doesn't by itself solve my
problem. Here's concretely what I'd like to do.

We have a set of tables that implement a medical vocabulary. Lots of
applications use these tables. One is a clinical data repository. So
it's a nice little project, with ant build script and everything, that
one developer is working on. It gets deployed into jboss as a war and
jar. It has tables that have foreign keys into the vocabulary tables.
So we can use middlegen to generate an entity bean for, say,
VocabularyTerm, Diagnosis, and a bunch of other things, where there's a
CMR between Diagnosis.diagnosisCode and VocabularyTerm.termId. Grand.
I could cram everything into the same schema, and explicitly list all
my tables that this app uses using the <table> directive and end up
with entity beans for VocabularyTerm, Diagnosis, and a couple others.

Now, someone else is working on an app for a free clinic. They'd like
to be able to deploy into jboss, using their own war and jar files,
totally independent of the repository project. Different project,
different source tree, different build.xml, everything. They've got
tables of their own, like Patient, that have CMR relations into
VocabularyTerm. Set the middlegen <table> directive to get entity
beans for Patient, VocabularyTerm and a couple others. The
VocabularyTerm guy is now common across both applications, and hence
both war files.

If this happens, will jboss freak out that two separate apps (the
repository and the free clinic) both have beans for VocabularyTerm? Or
will it figure out that it's the same thing? Or do I want there to be
just *one* VocabularyTerm entity bean in jboss, and reference it from
Diagnosis in the repository application, and Patient in the clinic app,
maybe using xdoclet tags like @ejb.ejb-external-ref or some such?

I'd like to avoid having one titanic project with a massive build.xml
that deploys every single app we use into a single ear file, with a
single massive ejb-jar.xml. If we have 10 applications deployed to our
jboss server, I'd like each to be in its own war file, even if they all
reference the (largely stable) VocabularyTerm bean.

Sorry if I was unclear. My question isn't really about CMR across
schemas I guess, as much as its about sharing Entity beans across apps.
Yeah, I know that ejb is supposed to be *all about* sharing primitive
things, I just don't know how to do it the *right* way. All my ejb
projects up to now have been entirely self contained.

I asked the xdoclet crowd about this too, as it may (or may not) be
more of an ejbdoclet thing than a middlegen thing.

Again, sorry for the novice questions. Any further hand-holding would
be greatly appreciated.


Post by Eivind Waaler
Hi, sorry there seems to be no replies to your message.
Currently Middlegen does not support more than one schema..
Not sure I entirely understand your problem. You want to access the
entities from several WAR files? This should be no problem as long as
WAR files are placed in the same EAR as the ejb-jar file.. If you want
more split up, you'd have to use some remote session bean facade to
the entity beans since CMP should use local and not remote
interfaces. Using the VALUEOBJECT_REFACTORING_BRANCH from cvs will let
create such session bean facades..
If the problem is having a set of entity beans from different schemas,
Middlegen would have to be modified some to support this. I don't even
know if this is common practice in J2EE..
Post by Michael Harm
Sorry if this is a silly one.. I'm new to this.
We have a set of tables that are sort of a shared resource to be used
across multiple projects. It's in a schema called "vocabulary" (on
oracle 9i).
There are other projects that use these tables, with foreign key
relationships into them. Those projects each are in their own schema.
I'd like to be able to deploy these projects separately into jboss
(3.2.1), each in their own WAR file, but preserving the CMR
relationships to "vocabulary".
But middlegen operates at the granularity of a single schema, as near
as I can tell. So the CMR relationships don't happen. I can run
middlegen twice for a given project, once on, say, "clinical_trials",
and again on "vocabulary", but it doesn't kick out the right cmr
ejbdoclet lets me add additional entity descriptors to the
ejb-jar.xml, but doesn't seem to have a hook for additional
<ejb-relation> thingies. And maybe it's a bad idea to have an
(say, a bean from the "vocabulary" schema) existing in multiple WAR
files anyway.
I've tried using oracle's synonyms, creating a synonym of
vocabulary.concept as 'concept' visible in schema 'clinical_trials'
with the fk relationship on that, but middlegen still doesn't see the
'concept' guy, even if its explicitly named in the <table> directives.
I've also tried leaving off the 'schema' attribute to the middlegen
task and coding the schema prefix in the <table> directives, but it
doesn't see the tables with a schema prefix.
What's the best practice for having a bean that is used across
projects? Keep everything in the same schema, and each project picks
the stuff it needs using the middlegen <table> directive rather than
scooping in everything? Is there a danger in having beans referencing
a given table deployed to multiple WAR files? Or is jboss smart
to figure this out?
I'll get more concrete: in schema vocabulary, there's a table called
CONCEPT with pk concept_id. In schema clinical_trials there's a table
TRIAL, with a field trial_type_id. It's got a foreign key
to vocabulary.concept(concept_id). When I do a project relating to
clinical_trials, I'd like to end up with cmr relationships, and be
to get to the concept bean. And there's another project in schema
clinical_repository that has other tables with fk relationships into
vocabulary.concept(concept_id), and I'd like those to be able to
reference a concept bean as well.
Any tips on the right way to architect this?
(in this case, the stuff in the 'vocabulary' schema is all read-only.
That may help with this particular case, and any info that would be
great, but I'd also like to know about the more general case where the
shared schema isn't readonly).
Michael Harm
Stanford University School of Medicine
This SF.net email sponsored by: Enterprise Linux Forum Conference &
The Event For Linux Datacenter Solutions & Strategies in The
Linux in the Boardroom; in the Front Office; & in the Server Room
middlegen-user mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by OSDN developer relations
Here's your chance to show off your extensive product knowledge
We want to know what you know. Tell us and you have a chance to win
middlegen-user mailing list
Eivind Waaler
2003-10-21 11:47:01 UTC
I think what I would do here is have one big database project, containing
all the entity beans for the database together with session beans to
access them. I don't think having multiple CMP trying to access the same
table would be a good idea.

Every application would have a separate war file, containing the
interfaces needed to access the common database app.

Anyway this is more of a J2EE architectural design choice than actually
Middlegen related.

Post by Michael Harm
Hi Eivind.
Actually, maybe I've made this harder than it is. I guess I can stick
everything into the same schema. But that doesn't by itself solve my
problem. Here's concretely what I'd like to do.
We have a set of tables that implement a medical vocabulary. Lots of
applications use these tables. One is a clinical data repository. So
it's a nice little project, with ant build script and everything, that
one developer is working on. It gets deployed into jboss as a war and
jar. It has tables that have foreign keys into the vocabulary tables.
So we can use middlegen to generate an entity bean for, say,
VocabularyTerm, Diagnosis, and a bunch of other things, where there's a
CMR between Diagnosis.diagnosisCode and VocabularyTerm.termId. Grand.
I could cram everything into the same schema, and explicitly list all
my tables that this app uses using the <table> directive and end up
with entity beans for VocabularyTerm, Diagnosis, and a couple others.
Now, someone else is working on an app for a free clinic. They'd like
to be able to deploy into jboss, using their own war and jar files,
totally independent of the repository project. Different project,
different source tree, different build.xml, everything. They've got
tables of their own, like Patient, that have CMR relations into
VocabularyTerm. Set the middlegen <table> directive to get entity
beans for Patient, VocabularyTerm and a couple others. The
VocabularyTerm guy is now common across both applications, and hence
both war files.
If this happens, will jboss freak out that two separate apps (the
repository and the free clinic) both have beans for VocabularyTerm? Or
will it figure out that it's the same thing? Or do I want there to be
just *one* VocabularyTerm entity bean in jboss, and reference it from
Diagnosis in the repository application, and Patient in the clinic app,
I'd like to avoid having one titanic project with a massive build.xml
that deploys every single app we use into a single ear file, with a
single massive ejb-jar.xml. If we have 10 applications deployed to our
jboss server, I'd like each to be in its own war file, even if they all
reference the (largely stable) VocabularyTerm bean.
Sorry if I was unclear. My question isn't really about CMR across
schemas I guess, as much as its about sharing Entity beans across apps.
Yeah, I know that ejb is supposed to be *all about* sharing primitive
things, I just don't know how to do it the *right* way. All my ejb
projects up to now have been entirely self contained.
I asked the xdoclet crowd about this too, as it may (or may not) be
more of an ejbdoclet thing than a middlegen thing.
Again, sorry for the novice questions. Any further hand-holding would
be greatly appreciated.
Post by Eivind Waaler
Hi, sorry there seems to be no replies to your message.
Currently Middlegen does not support more than one schema..
Not sure I entirely understand your problem. You want to access the
entities from several WAR files? This should be no problem as long as
WAR files are placed in the same EAR as the ejb-jar file.. If you want
more split up, you'd have to use some remote session bean facade to
the entity beans since CMP should use local and not remote
interfaces. Using the VALUEOBJECT_REFACTORING_BRANCH from cvs will let
create such session bean facades..
If the problem is having a set of entity beans from different schemas,
Middlegen would have to be modified some to support this. I don't even
know if this is common practice in J2EE..
Post by Michael Harm
Sorry if this is a silly one.. I'm new to this.
We have a set of tables that are sort of a shared resource to be used
across multiple projects. It's in a schema called "vocabulary" (on
oracle 9i).
There are other projects that use these tables, with foreign key
relationships into them. Those projects each are in their own schema.
I'd like to be able to deploy these projects separately into jboss
(3.2.1), each in their own WAR file, but preserving the CMR
relationships to "vocabulary".
But middlegen operates at the granularity of a single schema, as near
as I can tell. So the CMR relationships don't happen. I can run
middlegen twice for a given project, once on, say, "clinical_trials",
and again on "vocabulary", but it doesn't kick out the right cmr
ejbdoclet lets me add additional entity descriptors to the
ejb-jar.xml, but doesn't seem to have a hook for additional
<ejb-relation> thingies. And maybe it's a bad idea to have an
(say, a bean from the "vocabulary" schema) existing in multiple WAR
files anyway.
I've tried using oracle's synonyms, creating a synonym of
vocabulary.concept as 'concept' visible in schema 'clinical_trials'
with the fk relationship on that, but middlegen still doesn't see the
'concept' guy, even if its explicitly named in the <table> directives.
I've also tried leaving off the 'schema' attribute to the middlegen
task and coding the schema prefix in the <table> directives, but it
doesn't see the tables with a schema prefix.
What's the best practice for having a bean that is used across
projects? Keep everything in the same schema, and each project picks
the stuff it needs using the middlegen <table> directive rather than
scooping in everything? Is there a danger in having beans referencing
a given table deployed to multiple WAR files? Or is jboss smart
to figure this out?
I'll get more concrete: in schema vocabulary, there's a table called
CONCEPT with pk concept_id. In schema clinical_trials there's a table
TRIAL, with a field trial_type_id. It's got a foreign key
to vocabulary.concept(concept_id). When I do a project relating to
clinical_trials, I'd like to end up with cmr relationships, and be
to get to the concept bean. And there's another project in schema
clinical_repository that has other tables with fk relationships into
vocabulary.concept(concept_id), and I'd like those to be able to
reference a concept bean as well.
Any tips on the right way to architect this?
(in this case, the stuff in the 'vocabulary' schema is all read-only.
That may help with this particular case, and any info that would be
great, but I'd also like to know about the more general case where the
shared schema isn't readonly).
Michael Harm
Stanford University School of Medicine
This SF.net email sponsored by: Enterprise Linux Forum Conference &
The Event For Linux Datacenter Solutions & Strategies in The
Linux in the Boardroom; in the Front Office; & in the Server Room
middlegen-user mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by OSDN developer relations
Here's your chance to show off your extensive product knowledge
We want to know what you know. Tell us and you have a chance to win
middlegen-user mailing list
This SF.net email is sponsored by OSDN developer relations
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middlegen-user mailing list